We spoke to Mr. Soejima of Yamada Holdings Union, who participated in the [Online plum experience for corporations only].
- Please tell us why you chose [Online Plum Experience]
We were looking for a recreational event to commemorate the 30th anniversary of our union's founding, where our members from all over the country could communicate with each other and have fun.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we chose the plum experience as an event that can be attended online and has many hands-on elements.
-Are there any points that you found to be time-consuming or time-consuming as the organizer?
Since this was our first event to be held online, we had a hard time thinking about the content of the flyers we would create to notify participants, which would be different from the content of a real event.
On the other hand, in the case of the online plum experience, all the ingredients were delivered to my home, so I didn't have to worry about shipping anything. As the organizer, I was happy to hear that almost 100% of the participants said they had fun.
-Are there any unique features of the online plum experience compared to other recreations?
The live experience was great, as I was able to ask questions directly to plum experts, and the live broadcast was broadcast from the actual store.
-What was the reaction from the participants?
We were also able to make plum syrup as well as plum wine, so we were happy to be able to participate with our children.
Also, since we are a service industry, many of our staff work on weekends, so we were pleased to be able to hold the event on a weekday.
- Do you think you would like to utilize online events even after the coronavirus?
I would like to utilize online events even after the coronavirus.
For companies like ours that have employees all over the country, it may be easier to do it online. I believe that if each business office gathers together for an online experience, communication will be more active than if participants were to attend from home.
*The contents listed are as of the time of the interview.