ひと手間加えて大人のデザートに♪ 梅酒のグラニテ
梅酒とりんごジュースを1:3で混ぜ、冷凍庫で一晩凍らせるだけ^ ^、
Hello, everyone. This is Okada from the Choya Kamakura branch.
It's that time of year again, when the plum and cherry blossoms are in bloom and the trees are budding with new buds.
It's a season that reminds us of "beginnings," and it makes us feel excited.
This time, I would like to introduce my favorite combination of ripe Nanko-ume plums, organic agave syrup and brandy.
Nanko-ume ripened on the tree gives off a sweet aroma like peaches, which always fascinates our customers.
Organic agave syrup enhances the flavor of ripe Nanko plums with its fruity taste and light sweet aftertaste.
"Agave" is a plant similar to aloe, which is used as an ingredient in tequila. Agave syrup is made by pressing and heating the corm part of the plant.
I have been to a brewery in Mexico where they make tequila the traditional way, and the agave syrup has a hint of that baked-potatoes-like taste of steamed piña (the corm part) that I got to taste there.
The slight flavor of agave syrup works like a pinch of salt added to red beans, which further enhances the taste of plums.
Brandy, which is made from grapes, goes well with plums, with its rich aroma adding a lot of depth to the taste.
You can feel the fruity and rich aroma of the fully ripe Nanko-ume plums, and even after only one month, the three ingredients harmonize very well. This is the combination of fully ripe Nanko-ume, organic agave syrup, and brandy.
The best way to enjoy this fruity flavor is to drink it with soda. It will give you a refreshing taste that brings out the flavor of the ripe Nanko-ume.
You can also add about the same amount of apple juice or apple cider to the plum wine and then add carbonated water to create a drink with a juicy taste.
If you want to make it a little bit fancier...
Mix plum wine and apple juice about 1:3 and put it into the freezer for about one night.
Scoop it out, serve it into a bowl, and there you have a "plum wine granita". Just mix and freeze, easy right?